Thursday, February 12, 2015

Focus on Fluency: Shake Those Disks

Here is another fun activity from Eureka math that can be used to build fact fluency. This one takes a bit of prep work and probably about 5 - 10 minutes to play.

Students will play in partners, for each pair you need:
(6) two color disks, beans, or coins (you can make them by spray painting one side of beans)

(1) Shake Those Disks 6 board

1) Once students are in partners, tell them they will take turns as the "shaker" and "recorder".
2) The shaker shakes the beans and tosses them on the table.
3) The recorder then records the roll on the Shakes Those Disks board.
Example: If the shaker tolls 4 red and 2  white, the recorder puts an X on the graph above the 4 and 2 number bond.
4) Players switch roles.

You can play this with any amount of beans, depending on which facts you want to focus on. The goal is for students to build automaticity with facts within 10. 

Have fun!

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