Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Behavior Routines to Practice Challenging Concepts

In the classroom, there are so many issues that come up that teachers create special incentive systems to help motivate better choices.  Having a routine that students practice daily really helps them to focus on specific behaviors and can be used to build their skills on more challenging math topics. In 2nd grade, some students were having trouble during computer time. They were not treating the computers well, purposely causing them to malfunction, and not focusing on iStation or ST Math.

To help with this, Ms. M decided to give students points each day that they showed integrity with the computers. Rather than giving them a tally mark or coloring in a box each day, she used it as a teachable moment with fractions. See below for how class points are tracked and all the rich math conversations and practice that can be incorporated in this behavior routine. Also, notice that the reward is also academic rather than a treat or non academic time :) Great ideas, Ms. M!

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