Tuesday, February 10, 2015

CGI Charts & Number Lines

Yesterday, I spent the morning at KAO and was amazed by the awesome job they are doing with CGI story problems. Kindergarten can be especially challenging, because everything is new to them but kindergartners were digging in with so many different strategies and couldn't wait to tell you all about them.

In our PD last week we talked a lot about how to get kids to try out other strategies and one idea Ms.R came up with was providing students with a number line. We didn't want to print the number line on the paper because that would choose their strategy for them, so they decided to put number lines on the table alongside the cubes that students can write on and tape to their papers.

So many students were doing great work with the number line and many were drawing their own rather than using the print out. It has really increased the use of different strategies in their room!

Here are the charts from the 2 classes that show all the amazing strategies that these Kindergartners are coming up with:
Also, notice the great idea around taping another chart paper over the first, so you do not have to re write the problem for both classes. Nice time saving trick for teachers who have 2 classes per day :)

So excited to see how these students continue to grow as mathematicians!

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