Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Cognitively Guided Instruction Book Study

Since winter break, many more teachers have begun working on a CGI problem solving block. It is so exciting to see the work that our students are doing, all the strategies that they are showing, and the conversations that they are having about Math. With all these new trials, there have been many questions come up that have pushed my own knowledge of CGI.

I got the newest CGI book a couple months ago and reading it has been on my list for quite some time. I know that there are some amazing things in it and I cannot wait to learn more about CGI and continue to work with our teachers. I am going to read each chapter and create a post with a summary of that chapter, key takeaways, and some questions to think about. I think it will be really helpful to have a reference for what is in the book and where to find information about certain topics. I will begin reading and posting tomorrow and go chapter by chapter through the book.

Please feel free to order the book and read along with me :)

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