Tuesday, August 11, 2015

CGI Charts

Is it Day 2 and there are already so many amazing things happening during CGI. Students are showing so much tenacity with their approach to problem solving - even if that means drawing and counting lots of circles!

During the discourse, the teacher records student strategies on chart paper so students can reference the strategies shared when they do other problems of the same type. It is very intentional that the chart is not created on a smart board or white board. We want students to be able to see the strategies and use them.

Most of our teachers have at least 2 classes per day and the organization of this can feel pretty overwhelming. Mr. F at KALE came up with an amazing display to keep his charts organized for students. He has room for a weeks worth of charts from both of his classes and clips to easily put the most current problem on the top of the stack. Thanks for sharing your great system!

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