Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Investing Students in Goal: Visual Classroom Tracking

Visual tracking in the classroom allows students to see their progress towards goals. While visiting KIPP LA and KIPP Houston we saw several examples of tracking systems that are really fun, the kids enjoyed, and did not seem to embarrass or "call out" any of the students.

There are a lot of different things that you can choose to visually track in math. Here is an example of a teacher who is tracking number recognition in Kindergarten. Students will get to put a bug on the flower when they master 0 - 10 and another for 11 - 20.

Here is an example of a Kindergarten teacher tracking counting to 30, students will get to move their frog as they show mastery. 

At both schools, we saw MAP investment and tracking present in most classrooms. Students know what their current score is and what their goal is. Here are 2 examples of classroom MAP trackers.

 It is important that students know where they are and what they are trying to work towards. It also makes your classroom look even cuter :)

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